A | |
active_event [Sdl.Event] |
Active event type, containing the application state and focus
app_state [Sdl.Event] |
Application state: application has mouse focus, input focus, active
audio_spec [Sdl.Audio] |
audio_spec structure is used to describe the format of some audio data.
audio_status [Sdl.Audio] |
Status of the audio device
B | |
byte_array [Glcaml] | |
byte_array [Sdl] |
Unsigned char Bigarrays, with C-style layout
byte_matrix [Glcaml] | |
C | |
channel_type [Sdl.Audio] | |
color [Sdl.Video] |
Color type
D | |
double_array [Glcaml] | |
E | |
event [Sdl.Event] |
event type
event_type [Sdl.Event] |
Event enum
F | |
filter [Sdl.Draw] |
Filters to be used in scaling bitmaps.
float_array [Glcaml] | |
G | |
gl_attr [Sdl.SDLGL] |
While you can set most OpenGL attributes normally, the attributes listed above must be known before SDL sets the video mode.
glenum [Glcaml] | |
glpointer [Glcaml] | |
I | |
init_flag [Sdl] |
Initialization flags
int_array [Glcaml] | |
J | |
joy_axis_event [Sdl.Event] |
Joystick axis event
joy_ball_event [Sdl.Event] |
Joystick ball event
joy_button_event [Sdl.Event] |
Joystick button event
joy_hat_event [Sdl.Event] |
Joystick hat event
K | |
key [Sdl.Event] |
SDLKey enum
key_mod [Sdl.Event] |
SDLMod enum
keyboard_event [Sdl.Event] |
Keyboard event type
L | |
lost_gained [Sdl.Event] |
Focus lost/gained
M | |
mouse_button [Sdl.Event] |
Mouse button types: left, right, middle, and the scroll wheel (up or down)
mouse_button_event [Sdl.Event] |
Mouse button event
mouse_motion_event [Sdl.Event] |
Mouse motion event
O | |
off_on [Sdl.Event] |
On\Off flags
P | |
pointer [Sdl.Event] |
Pointer for user-defined event data
press_release [Sdl.Event] |
Q | |
que_dis_ena [Sdl.Event] |
Query, Enable or Disable flags
R | |
rect [Sdl.Video] |
Rectangle type, used for clipping and blitting operations
resize_event [Sdl.Event] |
Window resize event
S | |
sample_type [Sdl.Audio] |
Type of sample
sfont [Sdl.Draw] |
SFont texturemapped fonts based on the specifications at http://www.linux-games.com/sfont/
A font consists of a 32bpp RGBA surface with ASCII characters from 33 to 127.
short_array [Glcaml] | |
surface [Sdl.Video] |
A surface is a software or hardware framebuffer
sys_wm_event [Sdl.Event] |
tsyswmevent not implemented in trial version
U | |
ubyte_array [Glcaml] | |
user_event [Sdl.Event] |
User defined SDL event type
ushort_array [Glcaml] | |
V | |
video_flag [Sdl.Video] |
Flags that determine properties of video surfaces
W | |
word_array [Glcaml] |