blit_surface source_surface srcrect dest_surface dstrect
convert_audio from_format from_channels from_frequency to_format to_channels to_frequency input_buffer -> output_buffer
create_rgb_surface video_flag_list width height bitsperpixel -> surface
delay milliseconds
disable_clipping surface
display_format src_surface -> dest_surface
enable_key_repeat repeat_delay repeat_interval
enable_unicode query/disable/enable -> on/off
event_state event_type state -> on\off
fill_rect surface dstrect pixel
fill_surface surface pixel
flip surface
free_wav wav_buffer
fx_pan pan volume input_buffer -> output_buffer
fx_shift : frequency_shift input_buffer -> output_buffer
get_app_state -> app_state list
get_attribute attr -> value
get_audio_status -> audio_status
get_caption -> window_caption * taskbar_caption
get_key_name key keyname
get_mod_state -> key_mod list
get_pixel surface x y -> pixel
get_rgb surface -> pixel -> red * green * blue
get_rgba surface -> pixel -> red * green * blue * alpha
get_ticks -> milliseconds
load_bmp file -> surface
load_tga file -> surface
load_wav filename -> obtained audio_spec * wav_buffer
make_mipmaps surface_bitmap scale_filter_type -> array of mipmaps down to 1x1
make_sfont Surface_containing_loaded_RGBA_texture_map_with_font_characters -> sfont
map_rgb surface -> red -> green -> blue -> pixel
map_rgba surface -> red -> green -> blue -> alpha -> pixel
mix_audio buffer1 buffer2 volume
open_audio desired_audio_spec mixer_callback -> obtained audio_spec
pause_audio on\off
poll_event -> event
put_pixel surface x y pixel
read_tga file -> width * height * bitsperpixel * pixel-data
save_bmp surface file
scale surface factor filter -> surface
scale_to surface new_width new_height filter -> surface
set_alpha surf flag alpha
set_attribute attr value
set_caption window_caption taskbar_caption
set_clipping surf top left bottom right
set_color_key surf flag key
set_colors surf colors firstcolor ncolors
set_grab_input true/false
set_icon surface
set_mod_state key_mod list
set_video_mode width height bpp flags -> surface
sfont_print string_to_print x_position y_position sfont surface_to_draw_text_on
show_cursor true\false
string_of_pixels surface -> string
toggle_fullscreen surface
update_rect surface left top width height
update_rects surface rect_array
update_surface surface
video_mode_ok width height bpp_flags -> true/false
wait_event -> event
warp_mouse x y